Informatics Resources

Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)

The Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS) Was Accepted In CMS’ Quality Program. For more information, click the link to the Academy’s website  Global Malnutrition Composite Score (  A link is included for the Measures Specification Manual for locations that are including malnutrition electronic clinical quality measures.

Access the Academy's 2019 position paper on informatics nutrition here.

The Nutrition Informatics Committee had the 2019 informatics survey results published online in January 2021.  Access the information here.

For a collection of articles on nutrition informatics, link here on the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics home page

Are you a eNCPT subscriber?  You now have free access to the Academy's EHR Toolkit!

The EHR Toolkit assists nutrition and dietetics professionals in the process of building, buying, or using an existing EHR and integrating within that EHR the Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT). The EHR Toolkit provides you with tools and examples to assist you in your EHR implementation.

Instructions for how to access the EHR Toolkit can be found here.  

Access to the EHR Toolkit lasts for the duration of your eNCPT subscription. The EHR Toolkit also includes a “Submit Comments” tab that allows subscribers to submit ideas for revision and comments for a six month review period.

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